Plant Spirit Medicine Newsletter

Gathering together for our highest best remembering of our authentic selves. Remember that we are spirit living a human life. Love is the greatest healer.

We are love, We are loved, We are loving.

Good day journeyers of your inner worlds.

I hope you are keeping your heart open and filled with love and compassion with what is happening all over the world, I know I am and I have been feeling the pains and traumas that have been released in the ether realm. My mind doesn't get what is going on, but my heart tells me that all is well and sometimes a huge shift is required for the next level of evolution. There have been many shifts in the past already and probably will be more. Please take many moments in your day to express gratitude for what is being shown to us and allow the storm to pass.

Here are the latest news on how we can serve you in your spiritual journey

Remember that these sacred journeys within come together as you request them. I look forward to our re-connection in sacredness.

Here are our planned ceremonies, retreats and services available to you.

One Night Ceremony

We are looking for a new indoor venue that would accommodante 20 people journeying together. Please visit our Blog post for newly posted ceremonies. For the time being, our team is available to come to you with small groups of friends, family that want to journey deep together and create a strong spiritual bond.

3 Days Plant Spirit Medicine Retreat (Women Only)

Every year, 12 women hears the call to journey deep within themselves to reclaim their wombs' power. There is much healing of the female ancestral lineage. If you are struggling with sensuality, sexuality, feminine power, anger towards male figures and are not happy with your own divine feminine power, this retreat is for you. Visit our Blog post for the newly posted Women's only retreat.

3 Days Plant Spirit Medicine Retreat (Mixed)

Every summer, we have 12 people wanting to come together and journey deep within their inner worlds. This retreat is ideal for mixed gender, couples who want to deepen their relationships. We have lectures and lessons that assist in opening the heart to love, communication and transparency of the heart. Please visit the Blog post for the newly posted Mixed Retreat

12 Days Plant Spirit Medicine Retreat (Mixed)

Every summer, we have 12 people wanting to come together and journey deep within their inner worlds. This retreat is ideal for mixed gender, couples who want to deepen their relationships, people who wish to reconnect to nature and remember how to listen and communicate with plants. We have lectures and lessons that assist in opening the heart to love, communication, plant language, herbal formula creation and much more amazing tools to maintain and reclaim health and wellness. Please visit the Blog post for the newly posted Mixed Retreat

Private Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremony

For those who wish to deepen their relationships with friends and family of liked minded in your own home (groups of 5-8 people), we will go to your place of choice and setup a sacred plant spirit ceremony specific to your group. This is a 24 hours sacred setting with specific rituals particular to your group. There will be meditation, breath work, plant spirit ceremony, and integration tools provided. Please email any request to

Clarity Breathwork ™ Session

Breath is life and when we forget to consciously and intentionally to breath, our body suffers. Our body speaks of its particular needs via your health opportunity challenges. There is hardly any imbalances that will not move in time. Blood requires oxygen to perform all of its functions. A typical clarity Breathwork session is typically 2 hours long. We begin by unraveling your birth script to understand the patterns that you may unconsciously exhibit through your life that present challenges. If you r life is devout of love, happiness, joy and you suffer lots of pain, then breathwork can bring you to your core essence so that you may receive the wisdom to release the patterns. A recommended 10 sessions allows for a deeper understanding of your inner challenges. Receive 20% discount when you give yourself permission to go deep within your self and receive wisdom from your highest best self. Love is the greatest healer of all.
