We gather together to open our Heart’s to hidden wisdom and to remember our authentic self as we reconnect to plant spirit wisdom.
This plant medicine ceremony will help clear genetic toxicities inherited from past generations, and release suppressed anger and other hidden emotions. It will help us to deal with issues surrounding intimacy, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
It will help participants to feel emotions instead of suppress them, nourish connection with others, and will help to bring understanding and wisdom from each and everyone’s core.
We will journey into our souls with the help of Grandmother Medicine.” to remember our authentic self
Life can be better, but only with help, work, and insight into one’s self.
Your journey in the energy worlds begin once you commit to work with Grandmother medicine.
Please dedicate a journal and some time to contemplate on what is coming up for you.
We make the journey deep in the embrace of nature on a mountainside with support from strong people who have learned to open their own Divine Hearts. Join us, and join life.
If you feel the called to journey deep within yourself, now is your time to step up and begin your life.
There will be 10-12 grandmother medicine, heart opening medicine, meditation, breath-work movement and more.