Women have suffered abuse by cultural programming, societal judgement, and sexual affronts that has robbed them of their true Divine Feminine power of creator, nurturer, supporter and visionary leaving them with a feeling of emptiness, distrust in the world and the universe.
Our theme for the retreat is "Divine Womb" Cleansing genetic toxicities and releasing cultural programming and reclaiming the power of your Yoni. We look at our relationship with the women of our ancestral lineage and heal deep wounds not from this timeline. This is deep healing work from the inside and out.
This Plant Spirit Medicine Retreat will help clear genetic toxicities inherited from past generations, release suppressed anger and other hidden emotions. It will help us to deal with issues surrounding intimacy, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
It will help participants to feel emotions instead of suppressing them, nourish connection with others, and will help to bring understanding and wisdom from each and everyone’s core.
We make the journey deep in the embrace of nature on a mountainside with support from strong people who have learned to open their own Divine Hearts. Join us, and join life.
We will journey into our souls with the help of Grandmother Medicine.” to remember our authentic self.
Life can be better, but only with help, work, and insight into one’s self.
Deadline to participate is one month prior to your chosen journey; no time to waste.
Your commitment fee for this amazing experience is $999 to $1111 (dependent on the driving distance).
(However, we always find a way to support you in meeting Grandmother medicine. If you feel the call, reach out and we'll find a way together to make this happen. No one is ever refused medicine based on financial status)
Your journey in the energy worlds begin once you commit to work with Grandmother medicine. Please dedicate a journal and some time to contemplate on what is coming up for you. This is a time of preparation and great release before you come and drink her essence.
If you feel the called to journey deep within yourself, now is your time to step up and begin your life.
There will be 2 grandmother medicine, heart opening medicine, meditation, breath-work movement and more awesomeness.
Do you feel the call to reclaim your power? The Women ceremony has awakened powerful strong women to their inner core and reclaimed their power. It is life changing experience. Is it time for you to remember? YES It is............
There are 10-12 women who hear the call to partake in this powerful retreat each year.
Please visit the Ceremony Calendar page for upcoming retreats and ceremonies