We gather together for one night ceremony with grandmother medicine to unravel wisdom from within. To open the Pandora's box of the under mind and release what no longer serves us on our spiritual journey.
The enemy is not out there but within your own mind. Your thoughts have ran the show for so many years and has given power to EGO to fear what is unknow.
Grandmother medicine support the courageous traveler of inner world and shines the light on the lies that have been stored inside your own mind.
Thoughts of separation from source, not good enough, I don't have enough, I am not welcomed here are all accumulated thoughts passed down from generations to generations and imprints from unawaken parents.
It is time to reframe the mind and connect with the wisdom of the heart that knows, sees and understands all. The one connected to the great one is within you. If you are looking for love outside yourself, then you will never find the greatest love of all that resides in you waiting for your own embrace.
The plant medicine ceremony helps us see the genetic toxicities inherited from past generations, release suppressed anger and other hidden emotions. It will help us to deal with issues surrounding intimacy, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
It will help participants to feel emotions instead of suppress them, nourish connection with others, and will help to bring understanding and wisdom from each and everyone’s core.
We will journey into our souls with the help of Grandmother Medicine.” to remember our authentic self.
Since you are alive, then your life urges are stronger then your death urges, celebrate life with each breath you take.
Life can be magical, blissful and harmonious when we welcome help from others, work at unraveling thoughts, and contemplate insights into one’s self. We are here to walk each other's home, in the land of our heart connected to everything and the great one.
There is no savior, you are the one you are looking for. Can you love and welcome yourself into your own heart with no conditions? You are the greatest gift to this earth source energy has created. Just Be! Live this life to the fullest.
Deadline to participate is one month prior to your chosen date of retreat; no time to waste.
Since Maestra Laynah travels with the medicine, she is available for private ceremonies of small group within driving distance.
Your commitment fee for a group one night ceremony is $333 to $555. Please visit the Ceremony Calendar for upcoming ceremony. Cost depends on location and rental costs.
We typically arrive on Friday night around 3:50 to 5:00pm to prepare ourselves for our journey with grandmother and begin around 7:30pm.
Maestra Laynah follows the Shipibo Tradition with the use of Mapacho, Agua de Florida, Pomade. Singing Icaros is the gifts of the plants that she graciously sing with a happy heart filled with love.
Your journey in the energy worlds begin once you commit to work with Grandmother medicine.
Please dedicate a journal and some time to contemplate on what is coming up for you.
Location is disclosed to registered journeyers after approval and telephone/zoom meeting.
There are 10 - 12 persons who hear the call to partake in a ceremony at any given time.
Please visit the Ceremony Calendar for upcoming ceremonies