Women's Divine Breathwork
Weekly 2 hours on zoom by Donation
Every Wednesday 5:00 - 7:00 pm PDT - Sept - June
![MEDICINE SPIRIT IPHONE WALLPAPER](https://maestralaynah.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/MEDICINE-SPIRIT-IPHONE-WALLPAPER.jpg)
Women come together to breathe their divinity back into their sacred temple of human body. We remember our divine feminine connection and breathe life force into our creative centre.
Restore balance, illuminate our hearts and reconnect our intuition with our divine essence.
Each week we contemplate a Gene Key, so that we can understand our own wounding, gifts and transformation power. You can follow the collective journey here by creating your own Gene Key profile and see what human journey your sun is providing.
Sign up for the Pulse Calendar to get ready each week for our contemplative Breatwork Session, download "The Pulse Calendar"
More then ever, women needs support in remembering the power of solidarity and safety of the nurturing divine feminine love.
Women come together to Breathe Divine Essence and open their hearts to love.
Breathe with us!
We will email zoom link weekly
by Donation